< Music

Preview of: '#6: Santo Rouxinol'

Lado A

  1. Ta Friu Ka
  2. Dragging Yourself Up
  3. Ducks in a Row
  4. Berceuse in Em
  5. Billyray (& Tod & Chad)
Lado B
  1. Clubby
  2. Dirty Tony (goes a-praying)
  3. I'm yer Jeezus
  4. Pumba Pumba
  5. Santo Rouxinol

All music composed, arranged, played and sung by me. It features some self-built instruments: berimbau, kalimba, cajon and regue-regue. Published January 12 on Bandcamp: Santo Rouxinol

Cosmos in Tiny Steps

In June 2022 I published album number 5: 'Cosmos in Tiny Steps' on Bandcamp.


A collection of music called 'Quatro' can be found on Bandcamp. Published may 2019.

It's what used to be called an album, record or CD, and it represents the best of the music I made between 2011 and 2019 (while also building a house, learning a new language and culture).

New version of 'Border' (mais cavaquinho)


Loose ends/alternate versions on soundcloud

studio 2011-2017 studio 2019-2022